FORGET MINIMALISM; Shift Your Thinking to The Difference Between the Consumer and the Creator

Tina Schweiger
4 min readDec 30, 2021

In a world where everything is available at our fingertips, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. We are constantly bombarded with information from social media and advertisements, making it difficult to figure out what we really want or need in life. In this blog post, I’ll be discussing how your mindset can affect your creative process and why you should strive to be a creator rather than just a consumer.

Mass consumerism has hit an all-time high. We are constantly exposed to advertisements and social media posts designed for the sole purpose of persuading us into buying something we don’t need. We see a picture, an outfit or a piece of furniture and instantly feel like it’s missing in our lives. Social pressure has made this mindset even worse with everyone seeing how “successful” their friends’ life seem.

In the chase to feel unique and important, we can easily slip into cycles of needing the next cool product. Unfortunately, most of us don’t realize that these products won’t bring long-lasting happiness. Once the initial excitement is gone, we’re left with a void and more desire to buy something else in an attempt to fill it up again. This process only continues until you have hundreds or thousands of things but nothing important or meaningful in your life.



Tina Schweiger

Technology Designer and Innovator, #FeelingsMatter podcast