How might we thrive during the crisis?

Tina Schweiger
3 min readMar 31, 2020

I don’t have an immediate answer to this question but it does interrupt the “parade of horribles” running through my mind. Taking a moment to stop and look at our fear from a positive light is a conscious choice that I am making and I encourage you to consider doing the same.

What are your current fears? If you take those fears and reframe them from the perspective of positive instead of negative what does that sound like?

I woke up this morning to another client letting me know about a budget freeze due to the pandemic. As a marketing and design consultant for two decades, I have seen this before… Through the housing crisis and after 9/11 when companies cut spending on marketing before they cut anything else. Sometimes, it can feel like marketing budgets can be the canary in a coal mine for an economic downturn to come. But I don’t think anybody needs a canary so tell them about the economic crash that we are entering into.

Not surprisingly a little wave of fear rolls through my stomach and I stop and question every single plan and goal I had set…



Tina Schweiger

Technology Designer and Innovator, #FeelingsMatter podcast