How to have confidence in simple, daily decisions by understanding your emotions

Tina Schweiger
5 min readJan 1, 2022

Imagine it’s a Friday night and your friends just texted with a last-minute invite to join them for an evening out. “Should I stay or should I go?” As the CLASH ask, you ask yourself and quickly find yourself in a state of ambivalence. On one hand, you could stay snuggled up on your sofa, quite content with Netflix and an early bed time. On the other hand, you could go out and perhaps have a great time. Soon, your mind starts wondering if you should go out or you should stay in, all in an effort to resolve your ambivalence. Really, the fact is you just don’t feel like going out.

A second scenario might play out differently: the moment you feel the familiar excitement over an evening out with friends, it takes hold and won’t let go. Suddenly there is no ambivalence; your decision is made because your mind tells your body, “Let’s get moving!” You take action because you have chosen to act based on your emotion experience.

In short, understanding our emotions well enough to choose our behavior allows for us to take control of how we spend our time rather than being at the mercy of our emotions.

The science of emotion



Tina Schweiger

Technology Designer and Innovator, #FeelingsMatter podcast